Monday, August 29, 2005


I'm in Victoria now...

The cruise was amazing! I love being pampered. I thought that I was tough and adventurous, but really I like to have my bed made for me and chocolaty desserts fed to me all day long. The entertainment on the ship was awesome. and we had a lot of good family bonding time, which is good because we won't get that for another year and a half.
It finished yesterday, and Tom met me in Vancouver where we got off. He had some bike problems, since it got a little busted up in the ride to Vancouver, so we were a bit delayed getting out of there. It was hard to meet the shuttle and the ferry at the right time too, since they run so infrequenly.

Our gear in the Vancouver bus station

But it has all worked out, and now we are happy and safe in Victoria, and our legs are only moderately tired. Unfortunately our ride tomorrow will be entirely uphill, which sucks since I couldn't really train for hills on the prairies, and i haven't really ridden with my gear very much. I will definitely get a lot of practice over the next few weeks though!

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