Monday, June 4, 2007

Hiking in the Himalayas

We just got back yesterday evening from a 2 day trek in the western Himalayas!! Woo! And now- 20 hours later- my legs are still completely exhausted! Need to do a few more shorter trips to get in shape before we try an overnighter again...

So, we left early Sunday morning and headed for the hills just north of McLeod Ganj (the city we're in right now). After about 15 minutes of walking uphill, we realized what we were in for, for the next 8 hours.... 14 km and 7 hours later, we were almost cresting the mountain, acompanied by the boom of thunder and lightning overhead, when rain started falling on us. I asked our guide if we could stop to put rain jackets on, but he told us hurriedly, "No no, 2 more muinutes. Fast!". So then he takes off, jogging up the rest of the mountain. The rain that was falling quickly turned into hail. Just when I was starting to panic, I got to the top of the mountain, and ran under this tarp that was set up in front of a little cabin, where our guide was beckoning us too. Seriously as soon as we stepped under the crowded overhanging, the sky opened up, and little gum-ball sized hail was dumping down on us!!

As soon as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I realized that the little cabin was actually a huge cave that went about 15 meters back, and was housing about 30 hikers taking refuge from the storm! It was pretty exciting, sitting in there wrapped up in blankets, being served chai tea, watching the hail pour down outside of the cave.

About an hour later, the hail stopped, and we all emerged to a clear sky, and beautiful mountains surrounding us. It was one of the most beautiful scenes I have ever seen!! (I will add pictures in a week, when I put them to CD). We camped at this plateau at around 3300m (started at about 1800m). The hill was covered in wild irises and other flowers, and we spent the rest of the afternoon and evening wandering around the area.

Our guide cooked us an amazing 3 course meal (complete with 3 kinds of curry) on a camping stove!! It was incredible- definintely the best food that we have had so far.

The following morning, we trekked up to the snowline, and a glacier on the slopes of the neighbouring mountains, before beginning the long descent back to town.

No more time at the internet cafe.... gotta run!!! Take care everyone!

1 comment:

Tim said...

Just found your blog through Aly Young - sounds like a tremendous experience in India.

We've got a lot in common it seems. My favorite band is the Weakerthans. I just finished English teaching in Japan. I think Rob Lilwall (Siberian cyclist) rocks.

I have a gig now editing travelogues for Do you have any stories / blog posts that you're particularly proud of - send me a link if you do.

And check out if you get some internet cafe time - it's a good place for travel info and networking.

Looking forward to reading more of your stuff -
