Thursday, May 10, 2007

Creative writing from my kiddies...

I got my older students to do some creative writing for one of our classes, and here's a couple of stories that they came up with....

The Tiger

Long time ago I have tiger. She is very smart to play with. Her is too fun but tiger has strange habit. Every night she disappear. I think this is unusual and I bind the thread around her legs.

At night thread is moving and I follow thread and I surprise because she is woman. We married and happy but she had one problem. She is back tiger every morning.

Fly Man

Today I walk on road and I play ping-pong. At that time I change into a fly. I go to fly school. There are many fly friends. I say "hello, hello!!" but they are disregard me. I'm very very sad and I want to their kill. But they pluck my legs. I'm very very pain.

But fly man help me and I have imitation legs. I am happy. I change into the person. I step on fly teacher. Squish! Wow! Fly teacher is crush! Fly teacher shout "I will be back!"

Hahahaha I was pretty entertained by these- thought I'd share them. I guess these guys are Schwartzenegger fans....

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